Workshops & Events

On November 8, 2019, TMG Program Manager, Kevin Barto, conducted a 4-hour workshop at the 2019 AME National Conference in Chicago, Il. The workshop titled, Daily Problem Solving, taught the attendees fundamentals of identifying and eliminating process waste to attain more value-added hours throughout the day. As discussed in the workshop, it is the responsibility […]

  December 17, 2019 – In July of 2018 Plasser American Corporation partnered with TMG to embark on their journey to consistent perfect performance. Plasser American, a heavy manufacturer of railroad maintenance machines located in Chesapeake, Virginia, understood that in order to achieve their full growth potential, they could not simply just work harder. To […]

      The team at TMG started their year with 2 days of meetings to develop our goals for 2020 and work on our business. As we do with other organizations we have partnered with over the years, TMG took 2 days to improve our own systems. As part of our program this year, […]

December 4, 2019 marked the completion of an 8 month Leader Basic Training Program at the AEN-Rancho Cucamonga Forging Operations in Southern California.  Over the course of this program, 120 Leaders and Future Leaders from across the organization participated in 9 learning modules covering everything a leader needs to be successful in their role including Building […]

On December 17, 2019 the Lisi Aerospace at their Dorval Plant in Montreal, Quebec completed a 2 month Team Performance Improvement resulting in their 2020 Plan.  The core team attended the Building Leaders to Achieve Perfection Benchmarking and Planning session held every year at West Point and now have decided to accelerate their journey via […]

Chicago, IL, November 4, 2019 – 20 Lean Leaders from 12 different companies attended Joe Barto’s Building a Dream Team to Accelerate Your Lean Journey: Heartbeat Leaders First Workshop. This workshop has been a trademark of the Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME) Annual International Conference for years, supporting the AME mission of Learn—Share—Grow. TMG, Inc. is […]

Joe Barto, AME Southeast Region Director was proud to facilitate Leading the Lean Journey Workshop at the Association of  Manufacturing Excellence Annual International Conference in Chicago.

On August 20th TMG conducted a Team Performance Improvement Workshop hosted by Sumitomo Drive Technologies in Chesapeake, VA. This Workshop took place as a part of TMG’s 757 Green Belt Training Program.

On June 12, 2019 TMG successfully transitioned its Team Performance Improvement Program over to Vulcan Industries in Birmingham, Alabama.

The TMG Team continued its support and involvement with the Association of Manufacturing Excellence this year at the 2019 AME Southeast Lean Summit, May 6-9, in Atlanta, GA.  Aside from attending the event and touring manufacturing operations in the Metro-Atlanta area, the team facilitated 2 workshops to share our expertise in the areas of Team […]