Leader Development

Customized Leader Development Programs & Team Performance Improvement Systems

Leader Development is an essential element of an effective and sustainable Team Performance Improvement System.  Identifying and developing the Heartbeat Leaders within your organization can be the catalyst for improving team engagement and business performance.  Quality first line leadership directly affects production and employee retention, making it a critical flash point for focused improvement efforts.  TMG works closely with each partner to understand the current state of their leader development programs and devise a strategic plan for creating a future state leader development system that will help their organization meet future business demands.  Deliverables during the analysis, design, development, and implementation of such a system may include:

Phase 1
  • Conduct a Planning Meeting
  • Conduct a Kick Off Meeting and “All Hands” Announcement
  • Define current and future Revenue/Total Cost of Labor ratio
  • Create common vision of the business outcome
  • Identify leader/employee population (Heartbeat Leaders, their Leaders, and the workforce)
  • Develop Program Goals and Objectives based upon available current state of Leader Development Programs, Workforce Productivity vs. Headcount, Engagement Scores and Retention/Attrition Data
  • Draft Strategic Communications “Why are we doing this?” for entire organization
  • Create detailed Plan of Action and Milestones with Client-TMG partnership expectations
  • De-conflict current Professional Development and Leadership Training to ensure synchronization, integration, and clarity
Phase 2
  • Define Heartbeat Leader Perfect Day
  • Define Roles and Responsibilities (Conduct Leader Interviews)
  • Define Organizational Scheme
  • Identify Value Stream with Core Data Element
  • Map and brief Leadership Team for validation of what “Right Looks Like” by role and by task
  • Build Heartbeat Leader, Supervisor, and Plant Manager Leader Assessment Instruments (defining High Performance, Developmental, and Dysfunctional behaviors)
  • Build a customized Leader Tool Kit for approval
Phase 3
  • Conduct ‘Building a Dream Team: Heartbeat Leaders First’ Training Workshop to communicate Roles and Responsibilities/ Expectations/Engagement/What Right Looks Like
  • Conduct Goal Alignment sessions (Leader to Led)
  • Implement Expectations tool (by Team)
  • Implement Engagement Circle Charts (by Team)
  • Develop 5th Metric (People) Scorecards (by Team)
  • Train and Coach Leaders on developing and maintaining the 5th Metric Scorecards
  • Analyze Leader Performance Assessment Goal Alignment data
  • Define Leader Performance Improvement Future Training and Coaching Plans by Leader and by Task
  • Facilitate 5th Metric Report Outs by Heartbeat Leaders to Management Team
  • Determine internal owner for transition of ongoing program management