- January 11, 2021
- From the Founder and President, TMG Press Releases, TMG Teammates
- by Vy Barto
From the Founder & President:
TMG’s 2020 Year-End Review and 2021 Vision
Thankful. TMG’s theme for 2020 is “Thankful.” On March 1, 2020, we were coming off our best year, having our best quarter, and booked for 2020 with a strong closed book of business in 2021. By May 1, 2020, we recognized the reality of losing 57% of our revenue with no forecast for 2021. In Jim Collins’ not so well-known sequel to his Good to Great book, How the Mighty Fall and Why Some Companies Never Give In, there is a Chapter describing “Denial of Risk and Peril.” Collins explains how some very successful companies fail because they ignore the FACTS. They either “wish them away” or get so immersed in the victim mentality of impending doom that they make bad decisions in volatile times leading to “Grasping for Salvation and ultimately Capitulation.”
We called this significant period, “Opportunity for Excellence 4”. Since our founding in 2002, TMG has worked through three other periods where our business survival was at serious risk. All three, the product of bad decisions by me—the Leader.

TMG’s success is largely due to what we fondly call “The 98% Rule.” The 98% Rule is we must spend our time, talent, expertise, and effort focused on our partners’ challenges and opportunities to accelerate their journey to consistent perfect performance. Our Mission in Life is to give Leaders who WANT to Lead High Performing Teams the Courage to Lead.
As we look to 2021, we see new starts with old friends and new partners who deserve and will get 98% of our time, talent, expertise, and effort.
- The Carlyle Group to continue their Vice President Training and as a pre-qualified resource to their portfolio companies as part of their Leveraged Purchasing Forum
- Fairlead to become their Team Performance Improvement Program Management Team
- Sumitomo Drive Technologies to lead their Leader Performance Improvement (Heartbeat Leaders First) Program
- Howmet Aerospace to re-start our 9-year relationship support after a 9-month break
- AO Smith’s development of a customized Leader Identification, Training, and Development System.
- Standard Aero to train their Front-Line Leadership Team.
- New Horizon’s Regional Education Center’s expansion of the Good Life Solution Program to include Health Sciences, Human Services, and Public Services Pipelines in Hampton Roads
- The Department of Defense Industrial Base Analysis & Sustainment supporting a Pennsylvania Pilot of their Industrial Skills Workforce Development Ecosystem Model.
- Strong 2021 Forecast as a result of our Business Development Team’s efforts.
One year ago, we were a Good company. Today, we are a Great company because of our decisions and ability to execute those decisions through our values. The result is we get the chance to play again in 2021. TMG is Thankful.

Joseph C. Barto, III
Founder and President, TMG Inc.
“I am a Leader. My Team Plays to WIN!”
1 Comment
at 3:25 amCongrats on what appears to be a great 2021 pipeline but most of all salute to helping leaders understand there are the the heartbeat of success for any organization.
Salute to the entire TMG Team
Karl Buchanan