- August 28, 2018
- Workshops & Events
- by Vy Barto

San Antonio, TX – On August 21-22, 2018, TMG Founder and President Joe Barto led a group of 32 Leaders from Goodwill San Antonio, xFab, M2 Global, and Cox Manufacturing to better understand how to create and lead High Performing Teams. The highlight of the event was the Goodwill San Antonio corporate overview and gemba walk of their Distribution Center. Their mission to help change lives through the power of work and how they aligned every activity of the organization to achieve their mission and to reveal when activities and effort were not in support of the mission. Kevin Bergner, Goodwill San Antonio, CEO facilitated the benchmarking walk and showed the power of Heartbeat Leadership when it is Mission Focused and People Driven. Kevin and Doug Carlberg from the AME Southwest Region joined join to recognize the 32 Leaders who pledged, “I am a Lean Leader. My Team Plays to Win!”